Blank Lines buttonClick Blank Lines on the CONTENT ribbon panel to display the Blank Lines window.

Read more: Command Syntax

Blank Lines Window

This issues a blank line with the same height as the current font. Use the slider or type in a number to adjust the number of blank lines to insert.

Note IconNote that a blank line will be coloured with any BANNER colour, but will not be coloured with any text back colour.

Although you can choose a simple value using either the slider or by typing in the number, you can also use expressions to calculate a value. If, for example, you were trying to let the report generator control how many blank lines were used between blocks of information, you might use something like this:

$iBlanksBetweenBlocks * 2

You must press Insert (or Update if editing an existing command) for your changes to be applied to the current script in the editor.