CONG_MEET_TIME field_data field_data
CONG_MEET_TIME $LocalCong field_data
CONG_MEET_TIME field_data $variable_data
CONG_MEET_TIME $LocalCong $variable_data

This command has two parts. The first part specifies the congregation. You can either specify a field for current row in the LOOP that holds this information, or you can use the predefined variable $LocalCong to use your own local congregation.

The second part specifies the date. Again, you can either specify a field for the current row in the LOOP that holds this information, or you can use a variable. That variable may be any one of the predefined date variables (for example, $Today, $NextYear, $NextTwoYears or $NextQuarter) or it may be a variable you have defined. If you use a variable you have defined, it must contain a valid date formatted thus ‘#yyyy mm dd#’ (the single quotes are not part of the format). You must use the Expression Editor and the format_date() function to format the date correctly.

Once you have specified these two fields (or variables), the program takes the actual values and then works out what the correct meeting time would be for that date at that congregation. If the date is in the past, it will just use the "current" meeting time for that congregation.


CONG_MEET_TIME "Congregation" "Talk Date"
CONG_MEET_TIME "$LocalCong" "Talk Date"
CONG_MEET_TIME "$LocalCong" "$NextYear"