TAB [<=]literal_number_or_expression[>]
TAB *literal_number_or_expression

The TAB command has no affect if the current font alignment ALIGN is set to CENTRE or RIGHT.

If the = sign form is used (= sign is optional, a number on its own will assume the = sign), tab_data is treated as an explicit column number to move to (0 is the very left-most column, left edge of the drawing area, within the margins but since you don't need a tab to reach the left margin, 1 is the smallest tab stop you can specify), moving backwards and overwriting text if necessary.

Explicit (absolute) tabs can be aligned to the left, centre or right of the specified tab stop. Use:

  • < if you want it right aligned.
  • > if you want it left aligned.
  • < and > if you want it centred.

If the * sign form is used, tab_data is treated as the number of tab stops to move from the current position (again, moving 0 tab stops from the current position makes no sense, so 1 is the smallest you can specify). Relative tabs always move to the right.


TAB =2
TAB *2
TAB <=2 (left align)
TAB <=2> (centre align)
TAB =2> (right align)