abs( number )

Returns the absolute value (magnitude) of a number (negatives becomes positives, positives remain unchanged).

ceil( number )

Returns the next integer above the given value, unless it is already an integer (always rounds).

count( substring, main_string[, ignore_case = 1] )

Returns the number of times substring appears in main_string, ignoring case by default.

$strTalksThisYear = "55, 121, 86, 134, 121, 19, 121"
$iNumTalks = count("121", $strTalksThisYear)
TEXT "The brother will be giving talk number 121 $iNumTalks time(s) this year."

default_value( $variable )

For an option variable only, returns the default value from its assigned list of options (the first option in the list). If you attempt to get the default value for any other variable, it will return <NO DEFAULT>. The variable you supply as the parameter is not changed; only the value it is assigned to gets the default value. If the value you are assigning it to is itself the option variable you want to reset, then you are allowed to omit the parameter; for all other cases, it must be supplied (especially if you are using it as part of an expression).

Here are some examples:

REQUIRES ":dynamic:" AS $optionVar VALUES "red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, white"
$normalVar = "-"

$defaultedOptionVar = default_value($optionVar)

// Note that if the variable we're assigning to is the option variable and
we want to default it, we are allowed to omit the variable parameter:
$optionVar = default_value()

ellipsis( string, max_chars )

Truncates a string at the nearest word and adds ..., such that the resulting string is no longer than the specified number of characters.

field( field name )

This function extracts the contents of the specified field in the current row, exactly as the FIELD or VARIABLE_FIELD command would do; since the return value of this function is the field contents, it can be either assigned to a variable (an alternative to VARIABLE_FIELD), or more usefully, it can be embedded directly into TEXT or PARAGRAPH to more easily print out field contents as part of a string.

Three ways to print out text mixed with a field:

TEXT "The brother is called "
FIELD "BrotherName"

VARIABLE_FIELD "BrotherName" "$strName"
TEXT "The brother is called $strName"

TEXT "The brother is called { field("BrotherName") }"

floor( number )

Returns the next integer below the given value, unless it is already an integer (never rounds).

format_time( time_as_string )

Formats the passed in time value using application General preferences. You can pass in a literal text string, variable or an appropriate field. Here are some examples:

PARAGRAPH "{format_time("2:00pm")}"
PARAGRAPH "{format_time("31/5/2013 2:00pm")}"

LOOP FROM "Congregations" NODATERANGE SORTBY "Congregations"
    PARAGRAPH "{format_time(field("Time"))}"

It ignores any date included in the passed in value. Please be aware that this function only returns the passed in time (correctly formatted). It does not work in the same way as the CONG_MEET_TIME script command that adjusts the time according to the date in question.

index_of( substring, main_string[, start_index = 0[, ignore_case = 1] ] )

Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring found in main_string, starting from start_index. It ignores case unless you specify 0 for the last optional parameter.

int( number )

Is the same as round( number, 0 ) - i.e., it rounds to the nearest integer.

last_index_of( substring, main_string[, last_index = 0[, ignore_case = 1] ] )

Returns the index of the last occurrence of substring found in main_string, working back from (and including) last_index. It ignores case unless you specify 0 for the last optional parameter.

left( string, count )

Returns up to the specified number of characters from the start of the string.

len( string )

Returns the number of characters in the specified string.

lower_case( string )

Returns the entire string with all letters converted to lower case.

mid( string, start_index[, count = to end] )

Returns up to the specified number of characters from the middle of the string starting at start_index. If you don't supply the count, it returns from start_index to the end of the string.

nearest_space( string, start_index )

Returns the result of either next_space() or prev_space(), whichever is nearer to the given index.

next_space( string, start_index )

Returns the index of the next space within the specified string, starting from (and including) start_index.

prev_space( string, start_index )

Returns the index of the previous space within the specified string, working back from (and including) start_index.

replace( substring, replace_string, main_string[, ignore_case = 1] )

Returns a string where all occurrences of substring appearing in main_string have been changed to replace_string, ignoring case by default. Note that even if it ignores case when finding occurrences, it always inserts an exact copy of replace_string, no matter what case it has.


TEXT {"Brother " + $strBrotherName + " will be providing hospitality this week. Please contact " + $strBrotherName + " if you have any questions."}
can also be accomplished with:

$strTemplate = "Brother %1 will be providing hospitality this week. Please contact %1 if you have any questions."
TEXT { replace("%1", $strBrotherName, $strTemplate) }

right( string, count )

Returns up to the specified number of characters from the end of the string.

round( number, decimal_places )

Rounds a number to the nearest value, to the specified number of decimal places.

sgn( number )

Returns just the sign of the number; it returns 1 for positive values, -1 for negative values and 0 for values within 1e-5 (+/- 0.00001) of zero.

span_to( main_string, separator_string )

It's a handy shortcut for: left( main_string, index_of(separator_string, main_string) ).

tab( count[, type[, alignment]] )

Inserts a tab character.

count is the tab stop position (number or variable)

type can be "ABS" (absolute) or "REL" (relative). Default is ABS.

alignment can be "CENTRE" or "CENTER" for text aligned centrally around the tab, "FLOWLEFT" or "ALIGNRIGHT" for text that flows left from the tab (i.e., it aligns on its right edge at the tab), or "FLOWRIGHT" or "ALIGNLEFT" (the default) for text that flows right from the tab (i.e., it aligns on its left edge at the tab). These can be shortened to "FL", "AR", "FR" and "AL" respectively. You can also use "<", ">" and "<>" as short versions of "FLOWLEFT", "CENTRE" and "FLOWRIGHT" respectively (as in the TAB script command, the arrow points in the direction that text will flow from the tab).

See Insert Tab help topic for more details.

talk_theme( number )

Returns the theme for the specified talk number. You can pass in a literal value, variable or the contents of an appropriate field. Here are some examples:

// We can show the theme directly
PARAGRAPH "{talk_theme("166")}"

// We can show the theme using a variable
$strTalkNumber = "171"
PARAGRAPH "{talk_theme($strTalkNumber)}"

// Or using the contents of an appropriate field
LOOP FROM "Home Talks" SORTBY "Last Given"
     TEXT "{talk_theme( field( "Talk Number" ) )}"

title_case( string )

Returns the entire string with all letters that start words converted to upper case, even if they follow symbols such as speech marks, brackets, hashes, etc.). Note that apostrophes do not cause this behaviour unless they are used as quotes around text.

trim( string )

Removes spaces, tabs and newline characters from the start and end of the specified string (but not from within the string).

upper_case( string )

Returns the entire string with all letters converted to upper case.

Please also see the Manipulating Dates help topic.