To display:

Database > Public Talks > Report Viewer

Report Viewer menu item

Public talks database Report ViewerPrintImportSetupStyle

The Report Viewer is automatically resized to fit your monitor when it is displayed to give you the best user experience.

Notes IconTo learn more about the features of this window, glance down the table below or highlight the control you are interested in by clicking on the screenshot above.


Use the drop-down list to select the report style (template) that you want to use.

  • CongDB prefixed templates are designed to display information from the Congregations database.
  • PublisherDB prefixed templates are designed to display information from the Publishers database.
  • TalkDB prefixed templates are designed to display information from the Public Talks database.

Here is an example of the other built-in Public Talks report:

Public Talks List - Group by Category


Click this button to display a file selection window. You can then select CSS/XSL files or a ZIP Archive and import them directly into the application. The list of files is filtered to display those with the right file names.

  • Do you have an idea for a new report? Then consider asking about it in the Meeting Editor — Templates support forum.
  • Have you designed your own report and want to share it with other users of Meeting Schedule Assistant? Then consider making it available in the Meeting Editor — Template Samples support forum.

Note IconIt is beyond the scope of this help topic to explain the fundamentals of writing CUSTOM XSL templates. Disclaimer: import and use third-party XSL/CSS files at your own risk.


Displays the Public Talks Database Setup window where you can specify the type of report to create and what information to include.

Notes IconThe Setup button is disabled when you have displayed the Report Viewer from the Publishers Database window.


Displays the familiar Microsoft Edge Print user interface for you to print the report to a printer or save it as a PDF file.

Context Menu

Did you know that you can right-click the preview area to display this context menu? This menu provides the following shortcuts:

  • Refresh the schedule view.
  • Export the schedule to CSV, HTML or PDF.
  • Print the schedule (you can also save as PDF this way).
  • Screenshot
    The Screenshot tool allows you to take screenshots of the schedule. You can use it to take sections of the schedule or the entire schedule itself. You can also use the tool to annotate your shot with comments or highlights, for example.
  • View > View Source
    This allows you to view the underlying XML that is used to display the schedule.
  • Find a word or phrase on the schedule.
  • Open File Location
    Displays the working data folder in File Explorer and automatically selects the active schedule template file.
  • Inspect
    Analyse the schedule using the Inspect tool

Click on the respective links to learn more about each of these features.