The Weekend Meeting window is available from the File menu.

Or you can press CTRL + SHIFT + W

File - Weekend Meeting Editor

Weekend Meeting windowWatchtower StudyImportHelpCircuit Overseer Service TalkAssignmentsVideo ConferencingAssignment HistoryOKCancelHelpAssignment History - LookupLink Chairman and Opening PrayerEdit MenuOptions MenuMeeting Date and TimeTalk historyAway SpeakersAddEditDelete

Use the Weekend Meeting window to detail the information you would like to display on the schedule. Populate the various boxes by selecting from the dropdown lists or manually typing in the details.

Note IconLearn more about the Weekend Meeting window by looking through the rest of this help topic. Or, as an alternative, click on the option you are interested in on the screenshot above.

Week of meeting

Use the left/right arrows to quickly move from one meeting to the next.

Weeken of meeting

Note IconThis has been provided for those of you who only need to manage the Weekend Meeting assignments.

Meeting Date and Time

The Meeting Date is determined automatically from the Congregation Database. This is also true for the Meeting Time. The time will be adjusted automatically to take into account any Time Changes that you have set up.

Meeting Date and Time

Notes IconThere are a few circumstances (for example, the visit of the Circuit Overseer) that may require a change in meeting time. Use the Override time option to cater for this.


At the very least you should use the drop-down lists to specify the Chairman.


The other assignments are optional.

Use to hamburger icon to move / swap assignments as necessary.

Note IconMost of the dropdown lists are dynamic. Typing in a new name and closing the dialogue with OK will cause that name to become available in the dropdown list next time. Likewise, hovering the mouse over a name in the dropdown list and pressing DEL will cause it to be permanently removed (as long as you subsequently close the dialogue with OK!). The only exceptions are the Host, Co-host and Zoom Attendant assignments which use the Publishers Database.

Linking Chairman and Opening Prayer

You can link both the Chairman and Opening Prayer assignments together. Click the button to toggle the link on or off.

Link Chairman and Opening Prayer

The Opening Prayer assignment will automatically stay in sync as you select a name from the Chairman drop-down list or key-in a new name.

The link setting is remembered and becomes the default for scheduling future weeks.

Notes IconYou will need to temporarily deactivate the link if you need to use the Swapping Assignments tool with the Opening Prayer assignment.

Confirmed Status

Uncheck this option if you have not yet confirmed the home talk assignment.

Home talk - Confirm Status

Unconfirmed assignments can be highlighted in a separate text colour on some of the reports that can be generated. Set this option once you have confirmed the assignment details.

Notes IconTo set the default Confirmed Status for new schedules, go to the Database Options window.


The Body of Elders decides whether it is beneficial for an inexperienced public speaker to deliver the first 15 minutes of a talk, followed by a more experienced speaker for the remaining 15 minutes.

Home Talk - Symposium

  • Check the box to activate the Symposium feature.
  • Click the Symposium button to open a small popup window where you can select the second speaker.

Home Talk - Symposium popup

  • Hover over the Symposium button to view both speakers in a tooltip.

Home Talk - Symposium - Tooltip

  • Uncheck the box to deactivate the Symposium feature.

Notes IconDid you know that you can assign the selected talk to both speakers? See below to learn how.

Notes IconDid you know that you can automatically select either speaker to conclude the meeting in prayer? See below to learn how.

Speaker Notes and Images

Press this button to display the Notes and Images pop-up window. Use this window to provide details about the required notes and images for the public talk.

Notes and Images button

Some talks have a Has multimedia label displayed, which is set by the Organization.

Has multimedia

Notes IconThe speaker notes and images are included on the default Worksheet S-140 Weekend Meeting template. Find out more about the Weekend Worksheet template and how you can customize the look and feel to meet your needs.

Talk HistoryTalk History

This is a list of all the available talk numbers and the date they were last heard, or if appropriate, the latest date they are next scheduled for.

The default sort order is ascending date order. This means the talks which have not been heard for the longest amount of time are listed first. You can sort with either column by clicking on the headings.

As you select a speaker to give the home talk, his favourite and assigned talk numbers get highlighted in this list.  His talks are grouped together and listed first to make it easier to see which of his talks can be heard next.

  • Click on a talk number in the list and it will be automatically selected as the chosen home talk for the given date.
  • Click on the lookup symbol it you want to see how has given this talk in your kingdom all and when.

Lookup History

Talk history - LookupThe information is displayed in a popup window in descending date order. It displays:

  • The date of the talk
  • The speaker who was assigned
  • The congregation he was from.

The talk history list is a very powerful feature of the program. If used correctly, you can easily determine which talk number you would like the speaker to give.

Notes IconPlease also keep in mind that the needs of the congregation / neighbourhood should be of primary concern when selecting outlines. But using this feature can help you avoid the speaker giving the same talk twice in a row.

Add to list of assigned talks

Click on the hamburger symbol to display this context menu.

Add talk to speaker

If the talk number is not yet included in the speakers’ list of assigned talks, the menu item Add to list of assigned talks will be available. You will be asked to confirm whether you want to add the talk number to the selected speaker. If you answer Yes, it will automatically add this talk number to their list of talks. This saves you from having to go through the Congregations Database menu navigation to do it.

The context menu appears slightly different when the public talk is given as a symposium. This allows you to assign the selected talk to either speaker, if needed:

Context menu


The Manage menu buttons can be used to add, edit or remove public talk speakers from the database. It is also possible to move a speaker from one congregation to another in the database. Use these shortcuts to avoid navigating the Congregations Database menu.

Away Speakers

This is a list of away talks that have been assigned during the same week as the currently displayed home talk.


Press this button to add a new away talk assignment to the schedule. The Away Talks window is displayed for you to enter the new details. Click on the link for more details.


Press this button to edit an existing away talk assignment. You must select an away talk before you press the button.

The Away Talks window is displayed for you to adjust the details as required. Click on the link for more details.


Press this button to delete the selected away talk assignment from the schedule.

Notes IconYou must select the talk that you want to delete before pressing the button.

Watchtower Study

Use the dropdown lists to specify the Watchtower Conductor, Reader and Bible Verses Reader.

Watchtower Study Information

Use the edit box to specify the theme for the current Watchtower Study.

Use the other two dropdown lists to select the assigned song numbers.

Note IconThe Watchtower theme is automatically provided for all languages that support monthly volunteer data.

Concluding Prayer

Press the Speaker button to automatically copy the Speaker over to the Concluding Prayer assignment.

Speaker button

The context menu appears slightly different when the public talk is given as a symposium. This allows you to select either speaker to conclude in prayer:

Circuit Overseer Service Talk

Use the edit box to specify the concluding Service Talk theme to be given by your Circuit Overseer.

Circuit Overseer Service Talk

Press the Notes and Images button to display the Notes and Images pop-up window. Use this window to provide details about the required notes and images for the Circuit Overseer's service talk.

Note IconThese controls are only enabled when the Circuit Overseer Service Talk option is selected in the editor.

Video Conferencing

Use these drop-down lists to specify who will be the Host, Co-host and Zoom Attendant for your hybrid meetings.

Video Conferencing

Pressing Copy from Midweek Meeting will transfer the Host Co-host and Zoom Attendant from the Midweek Meeting.

Assignment History

The Assignment History feature provides a quick overview of past / upcoming assignments, helping you make informed decisions. Click on an assignment to view its history and easily reuse previous entries. For more details on how to use this feature, visit the related topic Using the Assignment History Panel.

Database Menu — Congregations

From here you can add / edit / delete congregations and their associated speakers. This database is used when assigning Public Talks.

Database Menu — Publishers

Do you need to make some changes to the Publishers Database? This is now possible from inside the Weekend Meeting Editor. The editor will automatically update all the various drop-down lists when you close the Publisher Database window.

Edit Menu — Duty Assignments

Do you include information from the Assignments Editor on your schedules by using the Duty Assignment History ? Now it is possible to make changes to those assignments by using the Edit Duty Assignments tool. Click Duty Assignments on the Edit menu.

Options Menu — Labels

This displays the same popup window to let you customize some of the assignment labels. Find out more by clicking this link.

Notes IconBoth the Meeting Editor and Weekend Meeting Editor use the same set of custom label text.

Options Menu — Scrollbars

By default, scrollbars are enabled to assist users with smaller screens. You can disable them permanently by toggling the Scrollbars option. Please note that you will need to close and reopen the Weekend Meeting Editor for the changes to take effect.


This window contains a special and unique feature. If you handle public talk coordination and you have the Public Talks program installed (see you can populate the window directly with information extracted from that software using the Import button. These two programs are designed to work together. Using the database is a time saver because you don't have to manually type in the information and you are less likely to make errors (unless they were already wrong in the database!). Once the button is clicked, you will see this window:

Import Talk

The correct assignments will be selected automatically. The database information is presented using the following format:

Date - Brother (Congregation)

Notes IconThe Import button is disabled if the date of the meeting is in the past.


Closes the dialogue and the schedule preview is automatically updated to reflect your changes.


Closes the dialogue and aborts all changes made to the schedule.


Displays this help topic.


Popup Lookup WindowClicking on the Lookup symbol will display a list of the most recent dates that the selected publisher has handled this assignment (in descending date order).

In addition, it will display all upcoming assignments for the publisher in bold text. This includes those future assignments on the current schedule, and any held in the assignment history file.

Future assignments are included as this can be useful if you need to make changes to existing student arrangements.

This window can be resized.