Elderly & Infirm Rota for Mac
Elderly & Infirm Rota for Mac

Elderly & Infirm Rota for Mac

It is my first attempt at writing a cross-platform application and it is a work-in-progress. This application is based upon the Elderly & Infirm mode in Visits Rota.

It is my intention to try and make this software available for the following platforms:

  • macOS
  • iOS (for larger screen devices like iPad)
  • Android (for larger screen devices)

At the moment I am concentrating on macOS. I have complied this application on the Big Sur version of the operating system but I think it will work on the following:

  • macOS 10.14 Mojave
  • macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • macOS 11.00 Big Sur


  • Single window for the whole application.
  • Change appearance (Light theme / Dark theme / Operating System theme).
  • Change look and feel by importing other templates (we plan to include some more).
  • Includes Help documentation.
  • Languages:
    • Arabic
    • Danish
    • English
    • Finnish
    • French
    • German
    • Greek
    • Gujarati
    • Hungarian
    • Italian
    • Portuguese Brazil
    • Romanian
    • Spanish
    • Turkish
    • Ukrainian


Feedback is encouraged about your experience of using Elderly & Infirm Rota on your Mac.


1.0.13 (22 March 2021)

  • Update: Added the following languages:
    • Gujarati

1.0.12 (12 March 2021)

  • Update: I have now found out how to use relative paths with stylesheets in the template files. This means we are now back on track! So you can use any stylesheets in your template files now.

1.0.11 (11 March 2021)

  • Bug: The XSL template was using a hardcoded CSS stylesheet path. This meant the stylesheet was not being found on your install. I have now changed the XSL template to set the CSS location a different way. But this does mean any custom XSL template you use will need the CSS file to have the same name. I hope that makes sense! 🧐
  • Update: Added the following languages:
    • Romanian

1.0.10 (9 March 2021)

  • Bug: It was not possible to add a new Publisher.
  • Update: You can now minimize the window.
  • Update: Improvements to the Help Documentation.
  • Update: You can now Search the Help Documentation.
  • Update: Simplified the Application Menu.
  • Update: Added the following languages:
    • French

1.0.9 (8 March 2021)

  • Bug: Enter Name placeholder was not using the translation.
  • Update: Added the following languages:
    • German
    • Greek
    • Hungarian

1.0.8 (7 March 2021)

  • Update: Added the following help topic:
    • Settings
    • Advanced Customization
  • Update: Added the following languages:
    • Arabic
    • Danish
    • Finnish
    • Spanish
    • Turkish

1.0.7 (5 March 2021)

  • Bug: It was not possible to delete the selected Elder.
  • Update: Starting revising the Help documentation. Added two new topics:
    • Managing Elders
    • Managing Publishers
Size: 7.1 MB
Version: 1.0.13 (Build 0)
Published: 22/03/2021