Which features of Meeting Schedule Assistant do you use?

Which features of Meeting Schedule Assistant do you use?

Please indicate which features in Meeting Schedule Assistant you are using (select all that apply and hit Submit). You can add also your own answer (but it will need administrator approval). And you can also add a comment if you so desire.

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  1. I appreciate the ease to fill the assignment names, and the printed schedules.
    Thank you for this timesaver.

  2. Thank you for this great work that is helping me since months!

    I have a question: Why it is not possible to auto-assign also the students assignments/demonstrations like the others assignments of the meeting?

    1. Author

      Hi! Thanks for your kind words. In answer to your question… I base my decision on not allowing auto-assign of students on the BE publication:

      * be p. 284 par. 9 Guidelines for School Overseers *
      Consider the circumstances of individuals when making assignments.

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